




Clinton Township PTA is operated by a large number of volunteers, who generously give of their time to enhance the educational experience of all students. We invite all families to participate in our PTA, so please reach out the PTA President, any Executive Board member, or the coordinator of specific events/fundraisers if you would like to get involved.


The PTA Executive Board is comprised of the following executive officers, each serving a two-year term. For the 2024-2025 school year, your officers are:



President, Tara Oliveira (term July 2023 - June 2025) ctsdpta@gmail.com

Oversees the administration of the Clinton Township Parent Teacher Association.


Vice President, Activities, Kelly Boyle (term July 2023 - June 2025) kboyle922@gmail.com

Oversees all PTA student events and PTA-sponsored assemblies within the District.


Vice President, Volunteers, Jaclyn Cancela (term July 2023 - July 2025) ctptavolunteers@gmail.com   

Oversees home room parents, staff appreciation, and Gallery Time; coordinates volunteer recruitment and presides over the Nomination Committee to fill open leadership positions in Spring.


Corresponding Secretary, Sabrina Henneman (term June 2023 - July 2025) ptaannouncements@gmail.com

Manages external PTA correspondence; maintains PTA member email database, PTA website and PTA Facebook page; publicizes PTA events & fundraisers.


Vice President, Fundraising, Jennifer Byrnes (term June 2024 - July 2026) ctsdptafundraising@gmail.com 

Oversees all PTA fundraisers within the District.


Treasurer, Richard Hall (term June 2024 - July 2026) ctptatreasurer@gmail.com

Manages all financial aspects of the PTA.


Recording Secretary, UNFILLED (term June 2024 - July 2026) ctsdptasecretary@gmail.com
Records and distributes minutes at all PTA meetings and prepares final copy with President's signature for archiving.


In addition, the Executive Board is supported by a large team of coordinators, each responsible for a specific tasks, events or fundraisers. To access a list of our coordinators for the 2024-2025 school year, please click here.



We begin advertising for open board positions after the formation of the Nominating Committee in December, with voting at our May general meeting. The Nominating Committee recommends a slate of candidates for the executive board per our bylaws, but also solicits interest in coordinators. If you are interested in running for an executive position, but are not on the recommended slate of candidates, you may still run from the floor. See below for an excerpt from our bylaws



Article VIII: Nominating Committee - Election and Duties Section 1: A Nominating Committee must be elected at a General Membership meeting by the end of December. At least three members (must be an odd number) and one alternate shall be elected to the Nominating Committee. Any current member, excluding the current PTA President, is eligible to serve on the Nominating Committee. The Committee shall elect its Chair.

Section 2: Duties of the Nominating Committee are: A. The Nominating Committee will solicit from the General Membership, via any communication process available for this PTA’s use, nominees for the open Officer Local PTA Bylaws Effective: July 1, 2021 Page 3 positions. B. The Nominating Committee will evaluate all possible nominees and will choose one qualified nominee for each officer position. (Nominating Committee members can be considered for nomination.) C. The Nominating Committee must obtain written consent from all nominees. D. All nominees must be members of this PTA at the time of written consent to their nomination. E. When the slate is confirmed, the Nominating Committee, as a courtesy, will inform the PTA President of the slate. F. The Nominating Committee must inform the General Membership of the slate and instruct the General Membership on running from the floor. The Nominating Committee must send out this information at least 30 days before the General Membership meeting at which the election will be held. G. Members who wish to run from the floor must submit a letter of intent to run at least 20 calendar days before the election meeting. The letter must be submitted to the President, Secretary, and Nominating Committee Chair. H. When the slate is unopposed, the election will be by a voice vote. When there is a contested election, a ballot vote will be taken. A majority vote is required for election.