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Holiday Secret Shoppe



Kids love secrets, and secrets at the holidays are even more exciting! The PTA provides an opportunity for your kids to secretly shop with an older student assistant at our Holiday Secret Shoppe, while you wait and enjoy a cup of coffee. 



How it Works:

Parents sign up for a shopping window and fill out an envelope listing who the child can shop for and their budget (Shoppe gifts are very affordable, ranging from approximately $1-$10 per item).


Your child shops with an older student who can guide them and help with the math on their purchases. They help them at our check out stations, wrap their gifts, and return the kids with to their parents, who wait in the hallway so the shopping can remain secret.


We will need parent and middle or high school volunteers for setup, during the event, and packing up. This is a great opportunity to get your child's volunteer hours in, or to volunteer together as a family and get into the seasonal spirit!

Questions may be directed to the current year coordinator(s).