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Thank you for giving of your time to benefit the Clinton Township School District students and staff. We have coordinator positions for a range of interests and availabilities. In addition, there are lots of non-coordinator volunteer opportunities throughout the year. 



If you would like to see the coordinator positions for this year, check out our PTA Coordinators page.



If you are a current coordinator who needs to access forms, planning documents, etc., please visit our Coordinator Resources page.



If you have an idea for a new activity or fundraiser, please reach out to the VP of Activities or the VP of Fundraising.




We begin looking for coordinators for the following school year in March/April. A Nominating Committee is formed to recommend a slate of candidates for the executive board per our bylaws, but also solicits interest in coordinators.


The Clinton Township PTA is committed to a fair and equitable selection of volunteers. We will be utilizing teams as much as possible this year to not only share labor efforts, but to share knowledge and experiences. We hope to give everyone a chance to participate and learn about the events, activities, and fundraisers that the PTA offers to our district. 



Coordinators must be current PTA members and adhere to our Statement of Ethics. If you are not a member, please visit our PTA Store today to purchase your membership.



CTSD PTA Statement of Ethics

(Approved 8/9/21)



  • All data collected, managed or maintained by the PTA should be used only for PTA related purposes/activities. Information from forms, lists, purchases, etc. are not to be used for personal or non-PTA purposes.
  • The exception is the print or digital public directory, by which permission for inclusion is made with the understanding that the CTSD school community has open access to the information published therein. 


  • General official communications typically come from the President and the Corresponding Secretary, unless otherwise delegated. The President is the main administrative liaison, and the Corresponding Secretary fields incoming correspondence via email or social media, and either responds or forwards to the relevant board member or coordinator/chair. The Corresponding Secretary also will send flyers in for district approval. 
  • Coordinators and chairs of programs, events, activities and fundraisers are authorized to directly communicate with their vendors, companies, volunteers, and relevant school staff.
  • When communicating with vendors, parents, staff, etc, as a PTA representative, please complete your signature with your PTA title, such as PTA Science Night Chair, to designate the correspondence as official PTA business, in contrast with personal correspondence. 
  • Group communications, such as room parents emailing student parents or program volunteers, should be blind copied (BCC) to protect privacy. Communications within coordinators, such as book fair inter-school coordinators, need not, as names/contact info for these positions are shared publicly to current membership. Communications within smaller volunteer groups might sometimes be shared for close working volunteers who need to reach each other, such as sometimes is needed during book fair, etc. If unsure, please ask a member of the Executive Board for clarification.


  • PTA supplies are to be used for PTA activities only, and not for personal use or benefit.
  • The PTA maintains a general use supply of some materials, such as food serve ware, that can be used across multiple events and activities. This prevents accumulating a large duplication of supplies and is more cost effective to purchase. Some programs require supplies to be kept and maintained for specific events, such as book fair. These materials are labeled by activity and should not be used for other programs.
  • Check requests for vendors or reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses (taxes will not be reimbursed - please use our tax-exempt form for purchases) should be submitted through the Treasurer, who should be notified when any big expenses (ie assembly contracts) or income (ie Tricky Tray) are coming. Amazon purchases on our PTA account should be requested via the Treasurer, unless permission is given for another arrangement.